Global Key-Value Store.beta


gokv provides a low-latency coordination and consistent storage.

Initialize Storage

You can specify the namespace for current application, default is default.

import gokv from "";

const kv = gokv.Storage({ namespace: "xxx" });

Try online:

Reading key-value pairs

await kv.get("foo"); // "bar"

// get multiple records
await kv.get(["foo", "baz"]); // { foo: "bar", baz: "qux" }

 By default, the system will pause delivery of I/O events
 to the object while a storage operation is in progress,
 in order to avoid unexpected race conditions.
 Pass `allowConcurrency: true` to opt out of this behavior
 and allow concurrent events to be delivered.
await kv.get("foo", { allowConcurrency: true });
await kv.get(["foo", "baz"], { allowConcurrency: true });

Writing key-value pairs

await kv.put("foo", "bar");

// put multiple records
await kv.put({ foo: "bar", baz: "qux" });

 By default, the system will pause outgoing network messages
 from the Durable Object until all previous writes have been
 confirmed flushed to disk. Set `allowUnconfirmed:true` to
 opt out of the default behavior.
await kv.put("foo", "bar", { allowUnconfirmed: true });

Deleting key-value pairs

await kv.delete("foo");

// delete multiple records
await kv.delete(["foo", "baz"]);

// delete by condition
await kv.delete({ prefix: "user:1:", limit: 10 });
await kv.list({ start: "foo", end: "baz" });

 By default, the system will pause outgoing network messages
 from the Durable Object until all previous writes have been
 confirmed flushed to disk. Set `allowUnconfirmed:true` to
 opt out of the default behavior.
await kv.delete("foo", { allowUnconfirmed: true });

Listing records

// listing all records
await kv.list(); // { foo: "bar", baz: "qux" }

// listing by prefix
await kv.list({ prefix: "user:1:", limit: 10 });

// listing by key range
await kv.list({ start: "foo", end: "baz" });

// listing by reverse
await kv.list({ limit: 10, reverse: true });

// same as the option to `get()`, above.
await kv.list({ allowConcurrency: true });