Global Key-Value Store.beta

Get Started

gokv syncs your data at edge. It's built on top of Cloudflare edge network, durable, low-latency, and easy to use. Features including:


import gokv from "";

For Node.js runtime, you will require Node.js 14+:

npm install gokv

or import the web module via in browsers:

import gokv from "";


gokv can work in Deno, Node.js and browsers. You need to setup the environment before using it.

Set Access Token

Please log in to get the access token.

import gokv from "";

gokv.config({ token: "xxxxxx" });

or set the token in environment variable with name GOKV_TOKEN without calling the config method.

Configuration in Browsers

You need to implement the /sign-access-token API by yourself, check out the Access Token.

import gokv from "";

gokv.config({ signUrl: "/sign-access-token" });

Importing Web-Polyfill

gokv uses the standard web fetch, crypto and WebSocket API, you need to import the Web-Polyfill in Node.js environment.

import "gokv/web-ployfill";


import gokv from "";

// init storage
const kv = gokv.Storage({ namespace: "gokv-example" });

// listing keys
await kv.list();

// writing key-value pairs
await kv.put("message", "Hello world!");

// reading key-value pairs
await kv.get("message"); // Hello world!

// deleting ke-/value pairs
await kv.delete("message");